

Degrees and Certifications:

USC Aiken- Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education Read to Succeed & Gifted and Talented Endorsement USC Columbia- Masters of Education in Language & Literacy Liberty University, Ed.D- Educational Supervison and Leadership (In Progress)

Ms. Santanna Templeton

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am Santanna Templeton and this will be my fourth year in education and my first at Millbrook. Previously, I taught 2nd grade for three years at Busbee Elementary School. This year my role will serving administration, teachers, and students as the literacy coach. My primary job and goal is to support teachers in literacy. My biggest goal this year is to build relationships with all administration, teachers, and students in order to support everyone successfully. 

I am an educator because I believe that this is what God called me to be. I am from Orangeburg, South Carolina which is where I currently reside with my family and pets. I recieved my Bachelor's degree from the University of South Carolina Aiken in Early Childhood Education in 2020. I have  my Read to Succeed, Gifted and Talented, and Literacy Coach Endorsements. I have a Master's Degree in Language and Literacy which I just completed in May 2023 (Go Gamecocks!). Additionally, I will begin pursuing my Doctor of Education this Fall. 

I am avid about teachers and students gaining and giving the best reading strategies and tools for them to succeed. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at If I am unsure of an answer, I will find the answer or point you in the direction of who to speak too. 



Santanna Templeton 

  • I offer tutoring services throughout the school year and summer. If you believe that your child could benefit from extra help, please contact me.