Aiken Works
  • AIKEN WORKS is an 天美传媒 collaborative to redefine individual success and provide opportunities to ensure highly-competent future employees.
    How does Aiken Work? AIKEN WORKS teams up with local businesses to prepare students for the workforce through authentic hands-on paid experiences. The initiative will allow 天美传媒’s students to develop employable skill sets, while building a highly capable future workforce for our community. With 50% of 天美传媒’s workers eligible to retire in the next five years, the need to train Aiken’s youth in highly-qualified and skilled trades and professions is essential to our community’s success.

    Join the movement that will propel 天美传媒 forward as a hub of cyber technology, industrial manufacturing, health and energy! For more information, contact Larry Millstead, AIKEN WORKS Lead, at or by telephone at (803) 646-8985.

  • Meet the AIKEN WORKS Lead

    AIKEN WORKS Lead Larry Millstead joined 天美传媒 Public Schools in November 2018. He enjoys developing new opportunities for students and collaborating with community partners to provide job shadow, internship, and youth apprenticeship opportunities for 天美传媒 Public School students.  

    Larry Millstead

    Mr. Millstead can be reached at or                (803) 646-8985.