Important Information for Student Athletes and Parents

  • The health and safety of 天美传媒 students is our highest priority. In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and the Centers for Disease Control, this page contains resources and links to important information about the risks, signs and symptoms of concussions. Prior to participating in any 天美传媒 Athletic programs, parents and students must be aware of what can be done to prevent head injuries, the signs and symptoms of a concussion and the 天美传媒 School District  Procedures & Guidelines for Athletes demonstrating symptoms of a brain injury - concussion and otherwise. Prior to participating in any school athletic program, parents and students must be familiar with the policies and procedures given to you by the coach, athletic trainer, or other athletic department representative of your student's school, as required by S.C. law.

    Athletic participation, in any sport, places your son/daughter at some risk for sustaining a concussion. Concussions (and traumatic brain injury) can lead to life-altering or life-threatening consequences and it is our highest priority to prevent injuries. Please review the resources here and familiarize yourself with the 天美传媒 policies and procedures. If you should have any questions, please reach out to the Athletic Director or any coach at your school.

    Remember, it's better to miss one game than the whole season!

    天美传媒 Student Athlete Concussion Policies and Protocols

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