Phone: (803) 641-2600 Ext. 60218


Degrees and Certifications:

Master's Degree Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. (2023) UDIMA Madrid - Spain. Bachelor's Teaching English as a Foreign Language. (2005) UPEL - Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas Caracas - Venezuela - AP Spanish Language and Culture Certification. - WIN TIME: 2nd portion - Office hours Mon. - Fri 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Se?ora Eichler

¡Hola chicos y chicas! ¿Qué tal?


My name is Hellen Eichler and I am originally from Venezuela, South America. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Education in English as a Foreign Language in January 2005, and came to the United States in August of the same year. I first came to the US as an exchange teacher. I worked in Columbia, SC for six years teaching Spanish to elementary students before moving to Aiken in 2011. I have been working at the district since then.

Coming to the US has been a wonderful experience. I truly believe it’s been a great journey living and teaching about my language and culture here in South Carolina. Every year has been exciting and challenging at the same time. This year I will continue teaching AP Spanish Language and Culture. This is a very demanding course that I love teaching. I am excited to continue teaching at such an advanced level. In addition, I will be back to teaching Spanish 1 classes which I enjoy so much, and hopefully, will make you fall in love with the learning of another language.

I spent my wonderful five-week summer in the city of Charlevoix, Michigan with my family and I am coming fully renovated and with tons of energy to conquer this school year in the most positive way.

I am looking forward to an excellent year with a lot of success and celebrations in our Spanish class.