Phone: 1 (803) 564-1050


Degrees and Certifications:

BA, Sociology, USC-Aiken Masters, Teaching and Learning History, Liberty University Teachers of Tomorrow Scholarship Recipient

Ms. Stephanie R. Adams

Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference!

Winston Churchill

I have worked for 天美传媒 Public Schools District (ACPSD) for 12 years. Prior to my employment at  ACPSD, I worked at Aiken/Barnwell Regional Head Start as a Family Services Worker for 12 years, and it is there that I discovered a love for children and families.  I believe our reactions to the actions of others define who we are.  “The way a person treats you says a lot about that person, but the way you react says even more about you.” 

Social Studies encompass the history of peoples and places and the influences of the past on the present.

I love you. BE Extraordinary!