Technology in apparel and textiles

hand-weaving on loom
  • Recent developments in apparel production

    This industry has developed from manual skills in sketching and construction...

    > to computer-aided design, and the use of human-operated cutting and sewing machines

    > to computerized systems that completely integrate the cut-and-sew process from concept to consumer product

    See this progress in videos from business and trade show exhibits: 


    > to creating products directly from raw materials 


    Affects of social media on business sector

    Additionally, the retail textile and apparel indusries have been affected in many ways by the social media disruption of traditional marketing systems. Some examples are:

    • advertising/selling online vs traditional retail methods
    • less expensive entry into business 
    • more opportunties for talented people as independent entities
    • less exclusive clientele since products are available to anyone with sufficient funds, not just those who are geographically or socially linked to businesses 
    • global market with less government regulation, businesses and consumers are becoming socially responsible 
    • manufacturers must continue to deal with logistics realitities (like pandemic-closed borders) which affect the supply chain to markets

    Examples here...

    • Digital sketching software -  blog review (2021) 
    • 2D & 3D design to pattern software  -

    ...and below of:

    • Design to protype including individually printed garment sections -
    • 3D Printed garments
hand printing fabric
sewing by machine