• Car Line Drop off and pick up procedures

    Please help ensure a safe and orderly dismissal from school each day by the following guidelines: 

    ***Drivers are to display their children’s names and grades on their visor.***

    • The front drive is to be used ONLY for teacher parking and buses in the mornings and afternoons.
    • The front drive is the designated area for loading and unloading buses in the morning and afternoon.
    • Students who depart in cars are dismissed at 2:30 each regular school day.
    • Students will be dismissed to designated grade level areas. Students will wait there until their names are called.
    • Vehicles will enter the boarding area carefully and fill two lanes.
    • When both lanes of traffic are stopped, the teacher will signal those students whose ride is in the loading zone to proceed to their cars.
    • Do not leave your vehicle to escort your child; teachers will assist your child in the safest manner possible.
    • When the vehicles in both lanes of the loading zone are loaded, the teacher on duty will signal for one lane of vehicles to leave. The signal will then be given for the other lane to follow.
    • If your child does not come to your vehicle, do not leave your car, but signal to the teacher on duty.

    This procedure will be followed until all children have boarded their vehicles safely.


    Important Reminders

    > Never leave your parked vehicle in the lanes of traffic.

    > Never instruct your child to board your vehicle anywhere except in the boarding area.

    > Car riders may be picked up only in the carpool area.


    Dismissal Procedure During Emergency or Inclement Weather Situations

    In case of extreme weather conditions (hurricane, tornado, ice or snow), school may be opened late, dismissed early or canceled. ACPSD has adopted the ALERT NOW Notification System which will call your home with a message providing information about school closings due to inclement weather or other school emergencies. The superintendent of schools checks closely with the weather station and then individual schools are notified. Listen to the local radio and TV stations for information regarding emergency school closings/dismissal. They will carry all needed information as soon as a decision has been made. Do not call the school. Our lines need to be open for emergency information. Also, all emergency information will be denoted on the district and school website.

    School bus routes are not adjusted to accommodate early dismissals and/or school closings. Therefore, buses will complete normal routes delivering students to their usual destinations (bus stops). 

    *Please remember that in emergency situations when school closes early, your child must know what you expect him/her to do. Be certain you discuss your plan of action so your child knows what to do. A note must be written for any change in transportation.  We will not accept transportation changes over the phone. 

