Welcome to AHS's FCCLA
  • Club Name: FCCLA - Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America

    A brief description: This is the CTSO (Career & Technical Student Organization) for Early Childhood, Child Development, and Culinary Arts at Aiken High School

    Advisers: Christa Franklin (cfranklin2@acpsd.net) and Jean Gorthy (jgorthy@acpsd.net)

    Mrs. Franklin & Mrs. Gorthy

    Meeting place: Mrs. Franklin's room (E-208)

    General dates + times: Mondays after school (approx. 3:40-4:30)

    Duration: August - May

    Remind: @fgcb89

  • 2024-2025 Officers:

    • Co-Presidents - Christopher Franklin & Marlenne Garcia-Lopez

    • Vice President of Community Service - Emersen Sherrod

    • Vice President of Public Relations - Aaron Ballard

    • Vice President of Membership/Secretary - Ayanna Leach

    Contact these students, or Mrs. Franklin or Mrs. Gorthy, if you have ideas, questions, or would like to join FCCLA.